Our Beach Before & After Gustav
First, just to put your mind at ease all is well!!! We have all of our houses and condos, in perfect shape. The worst things that happened are some minor sand erosion, dirty windows and standing water that makes everything a little fishy smelling. We wanted to post a few before and after pictures for you to see how it looks now.

We are so pleased that all of the hard work planting Sea oats and other Dune Plants seems to have kept back the water and left the majority of the sand in place. We did well but we still have a few problems as you can see!!!!

Thank you to all of you who donated time and funds to keep our beach looking great. As you can see we have some work to do cleaning up but over all we are pleased. We fared much better than some of our neighbors. Keep Louisiana in your prayers they have lots of damage across the state to recover from.