Slow down, your at the Beach!!!!!!!!
One of the most important things I have learned since moving to the area is to SLOW down and take in everything around me. I moved here from a very busy place and a very busy life. The beach is busy in its own way but we always try to make things as relaxed and laid back as possible for our guests and ourselves. We have noticed that if you slow down just a little, and look around you get to see the most incredible, beautiful, and unique sights. Having the opportunity to see new things at a slower pace is true here at the beach, but I am sure it is a rule that is good throughout life wherever you are.
Take a closer look at the photo with this post. It is a picture of a dear friend's shoe print in the sand. As you look notice the beautiful sand dollars that are undamaged in his track. Sand dollars are so fragile and rare. It is really amazing that they all are still intact. This was such a fun find and a great memory of a beautiful day.
Take some time and slow down. It's just good for the soul!!!!
Katie. My family and I are coming in July and are so excited. On the confirmation email there was a name of a photographer. Do you know if he has a site or email address? Thanks.
Hey Courtney,
Give me a call in the office and I can give you his contact information. See you soon!!!
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Hey Courtney,
Tony's new nhumber is 251-928-2323 and you can view his photos at TONY@ON3FOTOS.COM
Tony is great, I am sure he can help you!!!!
Aha! That shoe print reminds me of someone I know's print.
David D.
It belongs to one of my favorite people!!!
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