Charter Fishing at Fort Morgan!!!

In an old post I told you about fishing off of the beach, which is still one of my favorite ways to fish but I may have found a new favorite. This past summer we had to the opportunity to go fishing with our favorite Captain Dejaun Tedder from Gulf Adventures.
I have only been charter fishing one other time and while it was fun, I was very young and did not know that taking something to avoid getting seasick is a good plan before you head out. This time was much more fun. We headed out from the Gulf Shores Marina that is right across the street from where we live, work and play. We headed through the bay and out just past the point where Fort Morgan is located. John, Donnie, Becky and I, along with Captain DeJuan set out for a fishing adventure in search of Red Fish. We were out about 4 hours and fished over old wrecks, and reefs in that area. Then we started catching Red fish they ranged from 15 to 30 pounds. We kept the ones in the right size range, 1 for each of us. We actually ended up catching 13 of them total and let the majority of the go. It was a lot of fun fighting with these beautiful animals and being out on the water with friends and family. If you get a chance go on a fishing Cruise with Dejuan, it is guaranteed to be a memory making adventure at the beach. Take a look at our great catch!!!!